Midway City Chamber of Commerce and Homeowners Association, Founded in 1927, to represent the business community and the home owners of Midway City to the representatives of the 1st District Supervisory office and any other government, state or federal offices that may have business or information that would benefit the citizens of the unincorporated area known as Midway City. All citizens who reside or operate a business in Midway City are eligible for membership and are urged to become a member - Add your voice to the task of making Midway City a better place to live! The Midway City Chamber of Commerce is your voice into the very offices of Orange County that represent you. Add your voice to your government for a stronger and more representation of Midway City's needs! Together the Midway City Chamber of Commerce, the Midway City Community Organization and you, the citizens of Midway City will show a concentrated togetherness in directing the county and states' governmental agencies that Midway City is a togetherness organization that deserves their cooperation.

YES! I would like to Join the Midway City Chamber of Commerce

Phone #


The Midway City Chamber of Commerce & Homeowners Association
14900 Park Lane
Midway City, CA 92655